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Explore what people have been saying about us to find out more about our work - future, present and past.

Forging a path to food security
In response to the increasing number of food support requests, Pathways has acted as a conduit for the supply of essentials through the...

'Struggling with Orthodoxy: New path for Erlich
Australian Jewish News - 22rd July 2021 - AJN Staff 'Dassi Erlich, who allegedly suffered child sexual abuse at Adass Israel school, will...

'Our work has doubled' - Covid impacts demand for Pathways
Australian Jewish News - 23rd May 2021 - Journalist, Rebecca Davis

"Yotzim Without Borders: Building an International Movement."
Leaders of international organisations serving those leaving ultra-Orthodoxy came together from around the world to examine the global...

Havi's Ritual Impurity
ABC PODCAST EPISODE - ‘Days Like These’ Edited & Produced by Sam Wicks (27mins) Havi watches from the car as the Rabbi holds a cloth up...

JOY 94.9 radio interview on Pathways' new confidential LGBTQIA+ meet-up group

'A challenging process'
By Peter Kohn, Senior Journalist, Australian Jewish News. At some point in their lives, people in Orthodox communities may question their...

Abuse Reports to Surge?
The impacts of Covid-19 on Domestic & Family Violence By Rebecca Davis and Sophie Deutsch - June 18, 2020 Photo: Eric Ward/Unsplash As...

Unorthodox - Stories of Escape
Over 1500 people tuned in to 'Unorthodox - Stories of Escape' to hear 3 inspiring female panelists and writers, share their courageous...

Inside Melbourne's mysterious ultraorthodox Jewish community
By KIM WILSON, Weekend Herald Sun, May 22, 2020 Top rating Netflix series Unorthodox has captured viewers’ attention around the world for...

I lost my Haredi Jewish faith but I don't want to lose my family - ABC Life
Community, purpose, belonging — these are just some of the social benefits that can come from growing up in a religious family. But there...

Finding a pathways - Jewish Women of Words
President and Co-Founder of Pathways Melbourne, Leah Bouton, says that with Pathways they “endeavour to create and have created is a new...

Contributing to a global movement - The Australian Jewish News
Choice and Change: A Footsteps Convening, a gathering of international activists, academics, practitioners, artists, and the wider...

Ari's way: far from Satmar – The Australian Jewish News
Ari Hershkowitz rose to prominence in the 2017 Netflix documentary, 'One of Us', which followed his journey towards leaving...

Celebrating Abby - The Australian Jewish News
Abby Stein is the first openly transgender woman raised in a Chassidic community. She shares her journey with Rebecca Davis. FOR FULL...

Leaving Orthodoxy: Forging a new pathway - The Australian Jewish News
'When men and women of the Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox community chose to leave the world they were raised in, the challenges can be...
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