Our unique programs are tailored to respond to the expressed needs of our Pathfinders
Our small team is dedicated to providing a safe space for people to explore and question beyond the only Jewish community they know

​General Meet Ups
Our activities give Pathfinders the chance to meet like-minded individuals and build a safe and accepting community. Our monthly peer lead Meet Ups are for people who may be questioning or transitioning away from their Orthodox or ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, or have already left. Age 18+

Our small (but growing) community of LGBTQIA+ Pathfinders explore their evolving religious identities, and gender/sexuality questions in a safe and accepting space. Age 18+

Special Meet Ups
Our special Pathfinder events feature guest speakers with specific expertise (financial literacy, IT skills, health & nutrition etc.) as well as ‘lived experience’ from around the globe. Age 18+

Social Gatherings,
Walks & Picnics
Our private, social indoor and outdoor events encourage Pathfinders to develop new support networks, while building their confidence in ‘everyday’ cultural situations and beautiful outdoor surrounds.

Film Screenings,
Museum & Gallery Visits
Our series of casual (yet confidential) get togethers are designed to help Pathfinders develop their social networks and access ‘everyday’ cultural experiences in a fun and supportive environment.

Some Pathfinders struggle with real loneliness during the Jewish festivals
(due to personal or family challenges). Our Passover and Rosh Hashanah lunches offer an accepting space where Pathfinders can mark the ‘chagim’ in
their own way.
Festival Lunches

Writers Workshops
This workshop series encourages Pathfinders to explore and share their stories, learn to write and develop new skills guided by a professional editor and writer. Separate individual writing sessions are also provided to Pathfinders interested in publishing.

Writers Open Mic Event
Pathfinders celebrate their personal growth and share their writing achievements at this public bi-annual event (next one in 2025). The event also accommodates Pathfinders who wish to protect their anonymity by having well-know authors read out their story on their behalf.

PATH 4 LIFE | Mentor Program
The aim of the PATH 4 LIFE | Mentor Program is to empower Pathfinders to reach their full potential. All Mentors are Volunteers trained by Pathways Melbourne.
Buddy mentoring
This mentoring program matches an ‘experienced’ Pathfinder with a ‘new’ Pathfinder to provide guidance and support.
Professional mentoring
Volunteers with specific areas of expertise are matched to mentor Pathfinders in: writing CVs, applying for higher education & jobs, IT/tech support, financial literacy, academic tutoring, and more.
Life Skills Mentors
Volunteers who guide individual Pathfinders to reach their full potential.
If you are a Pathfinder and would like a Mentor, please complete this form here and we will get back to you.

Our peer support WhatsApp groups are buzzing hives of discussion for our Pathfinders to confidentially explore ideas, current affairs and questions they would otherwise feel unsafe to discuss in public. Pathways runs a General Group, Women’s Group and LGBTQ+ Group. Age 18+
Mentor Program
WhatsApp Groups

Pathfinders commonly require referrals to:
GPs, Psychologists and other mental health specialists
Sexual assault and family violence services
Food support services
Legal advisers incl. Employment, Family Law and Gett support
Vocational training services
Emergency housing services

Community Education
& Advocacy
To strengthen ties with the broader Jewish community, we speak regularly to synagogues, community groups leaders and schools. We also represent the organisation at festivals, media interviews, forums and panels.