Youth & Family Programs

Together, we can address Jewish youth homelessness
Read the findings of the first independent Needs Analysis Study into Jewish youth homelessness and mental health in Victoria. Report summary HERE
Homelessness affects people from all parts of the Jewish community, not just religious families.
Now is the time to take action as a community to end Jewish youth homelessness!
Pathways Melbourne, in partnership with the Lighthouse Foundation, is developing new crisis support initiatives and holistic programs to support vulnerable Jewish youth and their families, in a culturally sensitive manner:
Preventative Programs for Youth & Families
Mitigating the risk of Jewish youth homelessness through tailored peer-support group work, referrals to professionals, education and advocacy.
Jewish Foster & Kinship Care
Jewish carers trained by Lighthouse to house Jewish youth in Jewish homes, with religious and cultural oversight via a carefully selected Jewish Advisory Committee.
A dedicated Jewish Safe House
Lighthouse's Therapeutic program provides highly vulnerable young Jewish people with a warm, safe, Jewish Lighthouse home, 24/7 live-in care, and a dedicated Jewish Therapeutic Case Manager to help them to heal from trauma and develop living skills
How you can be a part of the solution:
To find out more contact our Youth & Family Programs Manager, Dassi Erlich HERE
Community Testimonials
"Pathways Melbourne is excited to be partnering with Lighthouse Foundation to look at what we can do to to work with the kids who are falling through the cracks and have no one to catch them"
Dassi Erlich - Pathways Youth & Family Programs Manager
"If I report a family to Child Services because I don't think the children are safe, where will those children end up? So I'm to scared to report"
Religious community leader

Pathways respects all expressions of religious identity.
Pathways is not affiliated with any religious institutions.
Shomer Shabbat and kosher catered.